
Geronimoo’s Dominion Simulator is a stand-alone application for simulating games of Dominion using a buy rule system to define the automated player’s strategies.


  • Very fast: 1000 games simulated in less than a second
  • Supports games with up to 4 players
  • All officially released Dominion sets are supported
  • Customizable game start settings for each individual player:
    • force a $4/$3 or $5/$2 opening (random opening is the default setting)
    • keep the player order the same for each game (default is random seatings)
  • A graph depicting the average amount of victory points gained each turn for each player
  • A graph depicting the average monetary output each turn for each player
  • A bar graph showing win% and ties% of all players
  • More than 50 common strategies available to start simulating immediately
  • quickly create, test and save your own strategies using a buy rule system
  • easily exchange your self built strategies with friends
  • view sample games in isotropic style
  • automated players play actions according to their buy rules (limited AI)
  • define a fixed start state different from the normal 7 Copper, 3 Estate
  1. sulara
    August 4, 2011 at 5:55 am

    Can you add “Walled Village” card to the simulator. Thanx

  2. DG
    February 29, 2012 at 5:47 pm

    Would it be possible to record the deck composition details for each simulated game in a series and have a summary available for review? This doesn’t have to be very complicated, just the average number of each card in the a perhaps. Separate breakdowns for winning and losing decks could be helpful too, including the average number of turns in a winning/losing game and how many were three pile depletions.


  3. DG
    March 3, 2012 at 2:42 pm

    Would it be possible to add a buy condition (or other condition ) for “Do not trash”. This might allow some extra control such as not trashing estates to a bishop when you’re going to buy silk roads, and so on.

  4. GwinnR
    July 13, 2012 at 10:59 am

    First I want to thank you for the great simulator. I’ve made many simulations and now I’ve recognized a mistake. Sometimes the simulator is rounding the percentages of winning wrong. There are different percentages under the diagramm and beside the “player strategy”. What is the right percentage?
    If you want (and i knew how) i could post a screenshot.

  5. GwinnR
    July 13, 2012 at 11:05 am

    …and if you add all percentages it doesn’t come to 100%.

  6. Tim
    April 30, 2017 at 1:03 am

    Hey, this might not be the best place to ask, but I was wondering if there was a way to run a simulation from the command line / terminal?

    I noticed that a lot of info is being printed when I run “mvn exec:java” but I am having trouble find out if I can pass strategy files as an input on the command line.

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